Jamie Lu

Asset Mgmt & Analytics



Data Wrangling with Transact-SQL Data Wrangling with Transact-SQL | Jamie Lu - Asset Mgmt Analytics Visualization

Data Wrangling with Transact-SQL

Are you utilising Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) application for data transformation? Wondering how to build data wrangling pipelines in t-SQL? This post explains on how to convert data in nvarchar format to date and decimal format, as well as pivoting the data from long to wide format.

Let’s take the dataframe of your database table (in long format) to be the following:

The format of the dataframe are all in nvarchar(100). In order to do any calculation based on date and amount $, we will have to convert the format accordingly.

Step 1: Convert nvarchar for ‘Date of Rent Collected’ column to date format

First, we need to set the data into YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format then parse nvarchar to datetime format.
Notice that there is a record where the date is indicated as #. We will need to convert such missing record to NULL.

 		CASE WHEN [Date of Rent Collected] = '#' THEN NULL 
 		ELSE CONVERT(DATETIME, SUBSTRING([Date of Rent Collected], 7, 4) + '-' + SUBSTRING([Date of Rent Collected], 4, 2) + '-' + SUBSTRING([Date of Rent Collected],1, 2) 
  			+ ' ' + 
  			SUBSTRING([Date of Rent Collected], 12, 2) + ':' + SUBSTRING([Date of Rent Collected], 15, 2) + ':' + SUBSTRING([Date of Rent Collected], 18, 2), 120) 
  		END	AS [date_rent_collected]
 FROM 	dbo.TAB_Rent_LongFormat

Now, we will be able to order the dataset based on datetime:

 SELECT [Project], [date_rent_collected], [Rent Type], [Rent Amount], [Currency]
 FROM 	dbo.TAB_Rent_LongFormat
 ORDER BY [date_rent_collected]

The output will look like this:
Next, if we need to sum up the total rent amount collected for each project, we will have to convert nvarchar amount to decimal:

Step 2: Convert nvarchar for ‘Rent Amount’ to decimal

The special characters $ and ‘,’ will need to be replaced with ‘’

 						   REPLACE(LEFT([Rent Amount], LEN([Rent Amount]) - 3), ',', ''), '$', '')
                           AS decimal(18, 2)) AS [Rent Amount]
 FROM 	dbo.TAB_Rent_LongFormat

Step 3: Pivot dataset from long to wide format (gather rows into columns)

 SELECT [Project], [date_rent_collected], [Currency],
 		p.[Furniture & Fittings] AS [FF]
 		p.[Area]                 AS [Area]
 		p.[Service]			  	 AS [Service]
 		p.[Maintenance Charge]   AS [MC]
 	( SELECT [Project], [date_rent_collected], [Rent Type], [Rent Amount] [Currency],
 		FROM 	dbo.TAB_Rent_LongFormat ) t

 ( SUM([Rent Amount])
 	FOR [Rent Type] IN ([Furniture & Fittings],[Area],[Service],[Maintenance Charge])
 	) as p

There you go, a clean dataframe in wide format!